ECLAC headquarters building ECLAC Flickr


Great Bay, St. Maarten – Officials of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) are scheduled to visit St. Maarten, from June 5 to June 7 for an orientation

mission. Purpose of the mission is to assist St. Maarten in planning of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

St. Maarten is expected to receive technical support from ECLAC for the design and implementation of an institutional framework for mainstreaming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the country’s national development later this year. SDGs will be addressed in the National Recovery and Resilient Plan and will also be used as basis for St. Maarten’s National Development Plan. The NRRP should take into account the NDP in terms of visions on the long run.

The ECLAC’s orientation mission next month to Sint Maarten will be looking to address the institutional and capacity needs of St. Maarten’s National Statistical System. The data gap, based on the development priority areas for Sint Maarten needs to be defined. After the orientation ECLAC will advise on the use of SDG related statistical information to support evidence-based policy planning.

After the upcoming orientation mission, ECLAC will be providing technical assistance geared towards aligning SDGs in Sint Maarten’s National Development Plan and linking opportunities for SDG development as part of the recovery projects.

The upcoming ECLAC orientation mission will be complimented by discussions with government leaders, some Civil Servants/policy advisors, representatives of relevant Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society stakeholders and the Private Sector.

An open invitation is hereby extended to stakeholders, who may be interested in contributing with feedback to the abovementioned process.

St. Maarten’s Department of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BAK) is the designated focal point for this project. For more information, interested persons may call the BAK department at the New Government Administration Building, Soualiga Road 1, via central telephone number (721) 543751 or (721) 5431167 and ask for program manager Loekie Morales.