TelEm Group technician restore internet service following Monday morning shutdown



Pond Island– At approximately 1.45 pm Monday afternoon, TelEm Group technicians restored internet services to customers island-wide following an early morning system crash.

The technicians worked diligently after identifying the problem and provided a temporary solution to reconnect customers while the main cause of the problem, access to an authentication server was being resolved.

According to Chief Technical Officer, (CTO) Mr. Eldert Louisa, the unusual crashing of two drives in a 10-drive system cause the important server in the company’s data center to become corrupted.

“Customers were able to see from the messages they received when they tried to connect that it was a server problem and we were able to confirm this and deal with the matter right away,” said Mr. Louisa.

He said the temporary fix will allow customers to access the internet until the entire system is restored to its normal state.

Monday’s internet crash caused a double problem for TelEm Group staff, who were shut out of their main building on Pond Island due to a raging fire, and thick smoke coming from the dump site nearby.

Workers turned up for duty Monday morning only to find access roads to the TelEm Group building closed off by firefighters and police.

Staff were requested to return home and await further instruction while arrangements were made to accommodate extra customer traffic at other TelEm Group locations  at Bush Road and in Simpson Bay, however when the smoke showed no signs of abating, personnel were requested to report for work Tuesday morning instead.

Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Mr. Brian Mingo said Managers and various departments and the Human Resources & Development Department were coordinating all morning to update staff and also to inform the general public.

TelEm Group has meantime apologized to its customers for any inconvenience cause by both incidents on Monday.