After successful ‘Explore the fun!’ campaign Fun Miles prize winners announced



WILLEMSTAD – Fun Miles congratulates the lucky winners of its ‘Explore the fun!’ campaign on all its islands. Four people correctly guessed the mystery destination (Costa Rica), entered the raffle and got lucky. They are Vanessa Aisles (St. Maarten), Felix Werleman (Aruba), Florence Semeleer (Bonaire) and Fatima da Silva (Curaçao).

The winners on the ABC islands will each be enjoying an adventurous vacation for two to Costa Rica. Due to the impact of hurricane Irma, the winner on St. Maarten was offered the choice to receive 250,000 Fun Miles instead of the trip. She chose the Fun Miles, which will surely help her in the rebuilding process.

Fun Miles and its partners congratulate the winners and thank all those who have participated.


The ‘Explore the Fun’ campaign, which ended on August 31st, featured a free glossy magazine with an overview of the Fun Partners. A large number of cardholders made use of the attractive special offers in the magazine. Many also deciphered the seven clues hidden in the pages, such as a tiny picture of Costa Rica’s famous Arenal volcano, and entered the raffle.


Since St. Maarten has been dealing with the aftermath of hurricane Irma, the prize drawing here took place at a later time. Fun Miles is – and will remain – very much active on the island. Fun Miles believes in the future of St. Maarten and remains committed to rewarding consumers for their purchases. Cardholders are using their Fun Miles to help rebuild, for instance by redeeming them for building materials at Kooyman and SBS. In these challenging times, Fun Miles may just make a welcome difference.