Police and VKS meet on safety of the island

From L. to R. Commander of the VKS Antonio Rogers, Chief Commissioner Carl John and Chief Inspector Benjamin Gout Head of the Uniform Division)
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Chief of Police Carl John and the Commander of the VKS Antonio Rogers met on Wednesday November 22nd for talks regarding the safety of the community of Sint Maarten and the working cooperation between both entities. The VKS has been working under the supervision of the police department for quite a number of years with positive results.
Both the Chief of police and the commander of the VKS are doing their utmost to improve this working cooperation. The main topic of discussion was the upcoming tourist and Christmas season where the decision was taken that KPSM, the VKS and the officers of the National Police Force of the Netherlands will jointly provide safety and security to the business community and the community at large during this season as together we focus on getting the economy back on track.
The commander of the VKS promised to support this effort with no less than 10 VKS- members on a daily basis. The police chief gladly accepted this offer.
During the meeting the Police chief stated that he is very proud of the local police officers who have been working prior, during and in the aftermath of hurricanes Irma and Maria and continue to do so up to today to guarantee the safety and security of the community.