Pre-Hurricane Irma Preparations and Notices



GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – Based on two meetings held on Sunday, an operational and an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) meeting in preparation for the arrival of Hurricane Irma, the Office of Disaster Management hereby makes known the following:


St. Maarten Medical Center

The St. Maarten Medical Center on Sunday announced that scheduled operations forMondayTuesday and Wednesday will be postponed.

Small daycare procedures at the Hospital will be decided upon by a per case basis and patients will be informed accordingly.

The Policlinic will operate as normal according to its Monday schedule.

Pre-Hurricane Preparations:

A Hurricane Preparatory Kit (HPK) would have the necessary supplies to get you through the first 72 hours after a storm has struck the island.  A devastating hurricane could leave the country without water and electricity for several days if not longer, and therefore it is very important to have supplies for each person in the household.

The HPK should contain non-perishable food, water and medicine (fill prescriptions before the storm); non-electric can opener; first-aid kit; extra cash (ATM machines and credit cards won’t work if there is no electricity);

Battery powered radio and flashlights as well as extra batteries; make sure cell phones are all charged prior to the arrival of the hurricane; fill up your car/truck with gas;

Check if your home and automobile insurance are up to date; put ID cards, passports and driver’s license in a waterproof bag along with other important documents.

If you are a parent with an infant or young children, you also need to have essential items as part of your disaster supply kit: baby formula; diapers; bottles; powdered milk; medications; moist towels; and diaper rash ointment.

Home & Yard Preparations:

Trim back tree branches from your home or business; cut all dead or weak branches on any trees on your property; clean-up your yard and put away items that could blow away during the passing of a hurricane especially your garbage container.

Mariners/Boat Owners Safety:

Boat owners and mariners should implement their hurricane preparatory plans and secure their vessels.  Mariners are requested to make special preparations to stay with friends or in a hotel, and not to remain on their vessel during the passing of the hurricane while moored in the Simpson Bay Lagoon or Oyster Pond.

Livestock & Pet Preparations: Livestock owners should review their plans to secure their livestock. Livestock owners should make sure that their animal holding areas and other infrastructure are able to sustain a hurricane strike.  Any loose material that is currently not in use should be securely fastened in order to avoid damage to property and endangering human lives during the passing of a hurricane.

The following tips should be taken into consideration: Don’t keep your cattle in a barn or stable structure.  This is to prevent injury from flying debris.  If the barn/stable collapses, cattle have no chance to save themselves.  Relocate livestock to a predetermined safe area and ensure that they have access to hay, pasture, clean water, and a safe area or high ground above flood levels.

If you have chicken cages, these should be reinforced.  Medical supplies and a first aid kit should be kept on hand.

Store drinking water for a number of days.  Also have an adequate supply of feed.

If you have to leave your home and you’re not able to take your pet with you; make preparations to leave behind adequate supply of food and water.