Ministry ECYS and WITU meeting held



Philipsburg — Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Ms. Silveria Jacobs held a meeting with representatives of Windward Island Teachers Union (WITU) on Monday, August 28th 2017. WITU’s board was represented with a delegation of 5 members; the President of the WITU Mrs. Claire Elshot-Aventurin, the Vice President,  Mrs. Corinne Lejuez-vanPutten Putten, General Secretary Ms. Roxsana Pantophlet, Treasurer Mr. Robert Rawlins.

The Ministry ECYS was represented by the Minister ECYS Ms. Silveria Jacobs, members of the Cabinet ECYS Mrs. Soraya Agard-Lake and Mrs. Fabiana Vanterpool-Arnell, the Advisory Committee for Public Education consisting of Secretary General ECYS Jorien Wuite, Mrs. Ruth Linger-Verbeek, Ms. Diedra Sprott, Mr. Luud Hakkens, and Ms. Oralie Boirard.

The WITU provided the proposed agenda points, which majority were answered in writing. The two agenda points discussed during the meeting were the Proposed New Structure for Public Education and World Teacher’s Day 2017. The Advisory Committee presented its findings to the Union. Follow up meetings will be organized to discuss matters arising from the WITU. The WITU will also perform a review of the SOAB report, which will also be discussed in a follow up meeting with various stakeholders within the Ministry ECYS.

Both parties will continue working in the interest of the students, management and teaching staff of the public schools. This pledge is to ensure that the decisions taken will continue to be in the best interest of enhancing teaching, learning and wellbeing of students and teachers of the public schools.