NIPA graduating classes says Thanks



The National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA) Graduating Class of 2017 is hereby publicly extending their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Mrs. Tasheena Maccow-Thomas “Ms. Tasheena” and Mrs. Shameda Delaney-Weeks “Ms. Shameda” for their guidance, love and support during their time at NIPA.

The graduating class stated that their doors were always open no matter what the obstacles were that they faced. “They always assisted us in finding a solution to the problem. In a world where many talk the talk but not walk the walk, they have proven themselves to go above and beyond the call of duty,” stated the students of the graduating class.

Last evening though joyful, was yet painfully sad for many of them who Ms. Tasheena especially, personally mentored, but they know they will again see both of these driven ladies positively contributing once more to this society.

“We love you both and will never forget you.”