NIPA Board AVE responds to allegations of mismanagement



The Board of AVE regrets publication of unfounded accusations lodged against the chairperson of the Board, as the picture depicted in such publications is not a reflection of the reality. The AVE board takes collective decisions in the interest of the school and its students in accordance with the articles of incorporation (AoIC).

As per the AoIC, the AVE board is a “raad van bestuur” or a board of directors and not a “Raad van Toezicht” or a supervisory board. The AVE board is therefore tasked with supervisory and management responsibilities. The management responsibilities can be executed by the “dagelijks bestuur” or executive board comprising the chairperson, vice chair and the treasurer.

These management responsibilities can be mandated to one or more directors via a “directiestatuut.” The complete executive board met with the students, teachers and staff at the institution on Thursday, June 1, 2017 to provide relevant information. All present were duly informed that effective immediately Mr. Garfield Sargeant will be responsible for the educational management of the institution, and the executive board represented by the chairperson will be responsible the organizational management of the school.

The publications intended to highlight decisions of this Board, as the actions of one person which may have been intended to affect one person, but in fact will affect the institution; all of which without any grounds thereto.

This AVE Board has from its inception worked as a collective body and has taken well weighed decisions, for the benefit of the institution, so guaranteeing quality of education to its students. The AVE Board has successfully resolved all issues that the institution faced a year ago. The personnel have been registered with the APS, the financial administration has been put in order, several new programs such as Business Administration, Culinary Arts, Sports, Automotive, Small Engine Repair, Boat Master and Electronical Installation/Engineering are slated to come on stream within short.

MOU’s have been negotiated and signed with local stakeholders as well as regional and international educational institutions.

As is the case within all organizations, the AVE Board also reserves the right to make its own determination with reference to labor agreements in accordance with the labor laws on St. Maarten.

The decisions and/or advances made should therefore not be tarnished by the unsupported allegations of disgruntled individuals. The focus of this Board shall not be diminished or deterred by the negativity stemming from the publications. This AVE Board will continue to work in the interest of the institution and its students in line with its outlined development plans.

With the support of the stakeholders and Management of the school, NIPA will prevail, regardless of the attacks lodged. The position of the AVE Board, placing students and institution first, above personal interests, shall prevail and the AVE Board shall defend its decisions, in so far and whenever necessary.

Whilst the chairman of the Board represents the board and is therefore the spokesperson, the positions and decisions are of the entire AVE Board and so communicated.