St. Maarten Lions Club executes joint project with 4 Lions Clubs on French St. Martin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The St. Maarten Lions Club under its President Lion Davey Woods which falls under District 60B revived an old tradition by working on a joint community project with the French St. Martin Lions Clubs from District 63.
The Lions Clubs on French St. Martin and their Presidents are Lion Marie-Georges Romney Hamlet (Lions Club Doyen), Lion Sandra Fleming (Lions Club Fort Louis) and Lion Marie-Françoise Grigoletto (Lions Club Oualichi).
The various Presidents and members of the club came up with a joint project which entailed doing a concert at the Sandy Ground Cultural Center on French St. Martin.
The concert featured local artists and performers from the dutch & french community along with talented members from various Lions Clubs. The joint project was strictly for the senior citizens clients of the Bethany Home and St. Maarten’s Home. They are the two homes for seniors on both sides of the St. Maarten/St. Martin.
The seniors were treated to two(2) hours of drinks and snacks, various performances of folkloric songs, African dance & drumming, a cycling show, comedy and eight (8) games of bingo whereby they won prizes which were provided by all four (4) Lions Clubs.
Members of the various Lions Clubs along with nurses from the both nursing homes assisted the seniors in playing the bingo games drawn by Lion Wally Havertong and Lion Astor Brooks.
In addition to Lion’s Presidents, Board Members and regular members, the successful project was also attended by District 60B, Region 2 Chairman Lion Claudio Buncamper and District 63, Zone 4 Chairlady Veronique Paul who both said a few words on behalf of their respective districts.