Police give robbery awareness training

Members of the Indian Merchant Association with members of Police force, representatives of the Insurance Ass.  and Ministry of Justice


In the continued effort to provide a safer environment for residents and visitors to the island, the Sint Maarten Police Force partnered with the recently formed Philipsburg Safety Committee to provide a series of robbery awareness training to the Indian Merchants of Front Street.

The training which is broken down into two sessions consisted of a theory and practical part administered by the Arrest Team arm of the Police Force who is certified in tactical training. Present at the first training was Minister of Justice; Rafael Boasman who lauded the Safety Committee for taking the initiative to partner with the police to create awareness which in some cases can be a preventative measure or in some cases is the difference between a life and death situation.

“Being here today is proof that people are committed to work with us to make the island safer,” he said to the group of over 50 merchants and their staff gathered at the Cultural Center. “It shows that you understand that the police cannot do it alone, it requires the involvement and effort of each of us and I am very happy to see that we are heading in the right direction.”

The Minister also commended the police team which was headed by Chief Commissioner of Police, Carl John who personally led the training session.

“I am extremely proud of my Police team, which is headed by Chief John continues to go above and beyond to find new, innovative and creative ways to conduct their daily policing tasks, while ensuring that a good relationship is maintained with members of the community.”

Chairman of the Safety Committee Eric Ellis used the opportunity to congratulate the IMA for coming on board to participate in such an important venture. “It would be remiss of me not to use this opportunity to applaud the Merchants for rising to this occasion and embracing this training being offered by the police,” he said. “It shows me that we all see the importance of ensuring a safer environment not only for us to conduct business but also for our clients and visitors whom we serve on a day to day basis, because the truth is; safety and security of our island is in everyone’s best interest and should be everybody’s business.”

The trainings which are still ongoing are being facilitated by the Safety Committee; which comprises of the Chamber of Commerce, the Insurance association and private entities such as the Indian Merchants Association. These safety trainings are available to and are being conducted with several business entities that have requested it from the Police.