HENSON: Violent dispute ends in two persons dead

Chief Inspector Ricardo Henson


EDITOR’S NOTE: After internal discussion with our news team, it was decided that we would publish the Police Report on the two lifeless bodies found at Alegria.

721news’ policy is that when a person puts an end to their life, we will not publish it.

For future reference, we want to reiterate to our readers that we WILL NOT report on or cover any murder leading to suicide or suicide-related stories.

Gromyko Wilson

721news Team

BEACON HILL, St. Maarten – Early this morning, April 5, the Central Dispatch Center received a call of an incident that took place at the Alegria Hotel, located in Beacon Hill, and immediately sent a patrol to the location to investigate what had taken place.

The patrol learnt that an altercation took place between a couple that is staying in one of the rooms at the Alegria Hotel. During this altercation both parties were seriously injured, possibly by the use of a sharp object. Both victims’ injuries were treated on the scene, nevertheless both of them died as a result there off. The identity of these persons has not yet been established.

The Police Department is presently investigating the case. The crime scene has been closed off, several detectives and the Forensic Department were at the scene to collect evidence and speak with possible witnesses.

More information at this time is not available. As soon as more details come in, the media and public will be informed.