721news General Notification


Due to the moving from the previous company to the new company server, which is handling our website at this moment, we have encountered some minor technical issues resulting in some of our readers being unable to access our website via a mobile device (phone or tablet). Accessing via laptop and PC was never an issue. This minor problem has now been resolved.

The decision for us to move to a different company was to get better service, and most importantly to secure our website against hackers, who do not have anything to do than to attack people’s websites on a daily basis. One of the most important steps we took was to secure the website under the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) system.

If you open our website on a laptop or PC, you will notice that we have the word SECURE in green letters and it starts with https://721news.com/. Now you are safe to conduct any monetary transactions on our website. The “DOT TV” (www.721news.tv ) website is still under construction. We are waiting for some minor technical issues to be resolved so we can show off our new face.

We’ve also improved the speed of our webserver, so we can deliver the news faster, and the website will be able to handle more processes. In other words, it can handle more people simultaneously using our website, especially when we have “BREAKING NEWS” stories.

The next BREAKING NEWS will be the first one, so the IT team is ready to monitor the performance of the website as the readers visit us. The IT team is also busy fine-tuning the website for better and faster performance for our readers.

So in case you notice that you cannot access the website, please call or message us so we can work on the issue immediately. Don’t forget that together we form “The Real Paparazzi” News Network Team.

721news Team would like to thank you for your support. Without your support, we would not have reached as far as we have now.

We are proud to be the first Secure News Website. As we has been saying for years:
“If the news is not from The Real Paparazzi, then the news may not be reliable!”

PS: Don’t forget if you see any Police / SWAT / Detective (local or Dutch) /Ambulance / Fire Department activity in your surroundings, don’t waste time, call or message us via WhatsApp or Facebook. We work 24 hours a day, so call us any hour of the day or night… We are always UP!!!


Thank you / Gracias / Danki / Dank u Wel