POND ISLAND – TelEm Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kendall Dupersoy, officially introduced himself to the President and board members of the St. Maarten Communication Union (SMCU) during a meeting Thursday morning, February 16.
After formal introductions, the CEO and the union briefly discussed some matters the union said had been outstanding for a while, but were put aside until the appointment of a CEO for the company.
“I was informed by the union that while some of these outstanding issues have been shelved, some remain that now require my comment and/negotiation, including comment and negotiation on a new Collective Labour Agreement (CLA),” said Dupersoy.
The CEO was pleased with the outcome of the introductory meeting, noting that from the outset, both union and the CEO are committed to making sure that employees of the company and the organization itself are successful and will have a sustainable future.
“I sense from the meeting that the union is committed to the success of the company, and most important, committed to the interests of TelEm Group workers, and in that respect I look forward to continued good cooperation with the union board president and members,” added the TelEm Group CEO.
SMCU President Ludson Evers, said Thursday’s meeting “went well,” with as much as 80% of what was discussed placed the union and the CEO on the same ground.
“We have made our observations from the meeting and we will be putting them in writing to forward to Mr. Dupersoy, along with one observation about a matter concerning the copper network and its possible operation by Cable TV technicians,” said Evers.
The SMCU President said the union and board looks forward to continuing future meetings with Dupersoy.