Youth favour TelEm purchase of Cable TV



POND ISLAND – Schoolchildren seeking information about their future career paths took time to discuss recent news that telecommunications company TelEm Group is purchasing St. Maarten Cable TV.

The youth, who seemed well informed on developments in the local telecommunications industry, quizzed TelEm Group staff about their plans as owners of Cable TV and how the company will be making good on the purchase.

The TelEm representatives could not give any information about the details of the purchase, however, they expressed an interest in hearing what the youth had to say and what they thought of the purchase announcement.

The exchange took place at the St. Maarten Career and Study Fair, held at the Belair Community Center, November 2.

It appears the youngsters asked some probing questions and indicated they had positive feelings about TelEm becoming owners of the local cable company.

One of the things they wanted to see was different channels that are relevant to their viewing habits, and more channels generally in the English language.

Schoolchildren spoke with TelEm Group personnel about recent news concerning the company’s purchase of St. Maarten Cable TV, during a recent career Expo at the Belair Community Center. (Photo courtesy of Carmita Brooks)