Saint Martin Evolution Toastmasters Open House a success



MARIGOT, Saint Martin – The Open House held on Saturday, November 19, at the Conseil de Quartier 1 in French Quarter was well attended.

This event was held to showcase what Toastmasters can do for the individual who wants to improve on their speaking and leadership skills. The Saint Martin Evolution Toastmasters Club believes that there is a lot of untapped talent and leadership potential in the community. The aim is to form a new club in French Quarter where young people 18 years and up can tap into the opportunities available through Toastmasters International.

There were two dynamic speakers, TM Meliya Benders, who gave an informative presentation on “the Greatness in You” and TM Shirma France (President) gave a humorous talk entitled: “Let’s Ride.” The Table Topics session gave guests and members the opportunity to do impromptu speaking without breaking out in a sweat.

The session was enjoyed by all and the club encouraged anyone, especially in the French Quarter community to contact them for more information. The Saint Martin Evolution Toastmasters thanked everyone who made the event a success.

The Saint Martin Evolution Toastmasters is a bilingual club and meets every first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Former Evelina Halley School in Marigot. For more information about the club, visit their Facebook page: St. Martin Evolution Toastmasters Club.