Governor Holiday requests William Marlin to form government

HE Governor drs. Eugene B. Holiday

HARBOUR VIEW – On October 3, the Governor Eugene B. Holiday, requested William Marlin, to form a new government as formateur.

The Governor, considering the results of the September 26, elections, held consultations between September 27 and 30, with the leaders of the political parties that obtained seats in Parliament, (the United Peoples Party UP, the National Alliance NA, the United St. Maarten Peoples Party US and the Democratic Party DP) as well as with the vice chairperson of the Council of Advice and chairperson of the Main Voting Bureau.

During the consultation, the Governor was apprised of the political developments including the declaration of UP and NA regarding their intent to form a governing coalition.

Based on the consultations, the Governor requested Marlin to form a new government. A government, which has the support of a broad majority in Parliament to foster political stability, that consists of ministers who are committed to the promotion of the wellbeing of St. Maarten and who are dedicated to jointly execute a governing accord, to be agreed upon by the coalition partners UP and NA.

In addition, the Governor requested the formateur to form a new government, which should dedicate itself to realizing sustainable public finances, to further improve the access to and quality of health care, to the improvement of the environment and to securing the safety and security on St. Maarten. The Governor further emphasized the importance of the strict observance of the regulatory requirements including the screening criteria, applicable to the appointment for candidate-ministers.

The formateur took the commission into consideration and will inform the Governor regularly during the formation process. The Governor requested Marlin to present him the final report of the formation process by October 27.