“Raising the Curtain on Race II:” Call for submissions


image006PHILIPSBURG – The University of St. Martin (USM) will be hosting the second conference on “Raising the Curtain on Race,” and urges writers to speak out and participate by submitting abstracts.

Currently, race and its by-product racism, impact the lives of people, not only in the Dutch Caribbean, but globally. In many places race is institutionalized and a conscious (discrimination) or unconscious (internalized oppression) way of life has evolved, which perpetuates this trend. With people becoming more conscious of the fallacy of race and the injustice of racism, many movements are arising and spreading globally to tackle this trend.

This year, Raising the Curtain on Race II will adopt the theme: “Globalizing A Critical Analysis of Race and Racism” and will focus on analyzing how race and racism manifest themselves on the world stage.

What racialized experiences do people of color share? How do these experiences vary? How does racial denial (i.e. modern racism, white innocence, white privilege, etc.) impact communication between socially constructed racial groups? What do justice movements mean locally, nationally and on a global scale? Ultimately, how can we work toward the common goal of equality and equity for all?

This year’s conference will be held December 1 and 2, hosted by USM.

Conference abstracts should be submitted by or before October 1, to Teresa E. Leslie at tleslie612@gmail.com or Lianne Leonora at lianneleonora@gmail.com.

All questions should be directed to Leslie or Leonora or can be posted on the “Raising the Curtain on Race” Facebook page (Join Group).