USP asks parents to stay involved this school year

former Member of Parliament (MP) Frans Richardson


Leader of the United St. Maarten party (US) MP Frans Richardson over the weekend extended best wishes to all parents, teachers and students for the new school year. On behalf of the board of the USP, Richardson said he hopes the school year will be a “happy and rewarding one for our children.”

He told students that being back at school with their school mates is always an exciting and energetic time. “But it also means your education journey continues and this journey, at this stage of your life, is extremely important for a positive and productive future,” Richardson said. When things get tough, as they sometimes do, turn to your parents first who can get you the help you need to ensure academic success as well as our hard working teachers who care about your education,” he said.

To the islands teacher’s, MP Richardson called them “our children’s heroes” who are entrusted with the educational development of this St. Maarten’s future. “Teaching isn’t easy, it’s pure love, it’s passion. Despite some shortcomings in the system, you still manage to put on a brave face and educate St. Maarten’s children. The quality of education we provide for our children can make or break our future as we strive to achieve a better life through education. A lot is in your hands,” he told teachers.

As for parents, Richardson urged all to be involved in their children’s education, partners in the learning process with both the child and the school. “Being involved does so much for your child academically. Parental encouragement and support combined with parental involvement in schooling is critical to children’s education. Our hope this school year is that more parents develop good open communication with their child’s teachers, take part in school activities with their children and stay involved from August to June. Lets do right by our children,” Richardson said.