Orange Grove pharmacy supports K1 Britannia Foundation


COLE BAY – The Orange Grove Pharmacy has launched a percentage of sale campaign to benefit the K1 Britannia Foundation.

The campaign entails that 10% of proceeds of purchases of US $60 or more on drugstore items (excluding prescriptions) will be donated to the K1 Britannia Foundation. The promotion will run until December 2016, with the intention to raise as much funds for the work the foundation does in the community.

Owner Franklin Chang Sing Pang understands the importance of role models to young children and sees the need of one of the foundation’s key programs, getting mentors for each foster child and teenager on the island.

“It’s important to find ways in which you can help the community, big or small. This is the Pharmacy’s way of giving back to a worthy cause,” he said.

“The K1 Britannia Foundation is grateful to owner Frank and the Orange Grove pharmacy for initiating this promotion to benefit the foundation and the kids we help. We see this as a great opportunity for customers to learn about our foundation and at the same time, contribute in their own way to make a change on the island. We look forward to growing this campaign because, in the end, everyone wins” said Project Manager at K1 Britannia Foundation Chiaira Bowers.

The community is encouraged to pass by Orange Grove pharmacy in Cole Bay to get their products while supporting the foundation.

To find out more about Orange Grove Pharmacy visit and for information about the foundation visit