***UPDATE***: More arrests in Mahi Mahi investigation, O.E.J.A has been released !


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — In connection with the Mahi Mahi investigation three suspects, G.W.M. (45), A.R.L.B.T. (35) and O.E.J.A. (34) have been arrested on Tuesday August 23, 2016. Also searches, led by the Prosecutor and in the presence of a judge of instruction were carried out at five different addresses.

The St. Maarten Police Force (KPSM), Customs, The Kingdom Detectives Cooperation Team RST and the Royal Dutch Marechaussee assisted in the searches which took place at G.W.M’s house in Sucker Garden, at A.R.L.B.T.’s house in Sucker Garden at O.E.J.A’s house in Pointe Blanche at one of O.E.J.A’s offices in Pointe Blanche at another of his offices on the A.Th. Illidge Road.

During the searches a substance suspected to be illegal drugs, documents, administration, computers and other digital data carriers were found and confiscated in light of the ongoing investigation. After being questioned, the suspects G.W.M. and A.R.L.B.T. were notified by the Acting Prosecutor that their detention is prolonged (“inverzekeringstelling). O.E.J.A has been released after questioning.

During the May 29, 2016 shooting at the Westin Dawn Beach Resort parking, at approximately 10:00am three men, K.L. (33), A.J. (43) and L.W. (37) got injured. All suspects in the ongoing investigation called Mahi Mahi. They are being suspected of involvement in the shooting and money laundering.

Previous Story: (Breaking News)

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten – The authorities on the island shifted into action Tuesday with house searches at various locations.

It is believed that this latest police action has to do with the on going Mahi Mahi investigation which began on May 29th with a shooting at the Westin Hotel in Dawn Beach.

We have learnt that at least five locations were searched on Tuesday, two in Sucker Garden, two in Pointe Blanch including the home and office of a well known business man Oneal Arrindell in Pointe Blanch.

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A location on the ATH Illidge road believed to be the office of Check Mate Security was also searched early Tuesday morning.

Spokesman for the Prosecutors Office Gino Bernadina confirmed the search action on Tuesday and that it is the continuation of the Mahi Mahi investigation. He confirmed that the action was led by the Public Prosecutor in the presence of the Judge of Instruction. They were assisted by members of the KPSM, Customs, RST and the Koninklijke Marechaussee.

He also confirmed that 5 locations were searched, the home of G.W.M. and A.R.L.B. in Sucker Garden as well as the home and office of O.E.J.A. in Point Blanch. A location on the ATH Illidge Road was also searched confirmed Bernadina.

When pressed for further information Bernadina stated that the investigation is still operational and that no further information could have been released. However it is hoped that later in the day more information will become available.

Mahi Mahi 003During the shooting incident at Westin back in May, three persons were injured and later they were all suspected of involvement in money laundering. It should be noted that a large sum of money was found and confiscated during the investigation.

Two of the suspects K.L. (33) and A.J. (43), both from St. Maarten and who had suffered injuries, were soon released from the hospital and detained. A third suspect L.W. (37), also from St. Maarten, was flown out to the Dominican Republic for medical treatment due to the severity of the injuries that he had sustained during the shooting.

At this time the findings of Tuesday mornings raids is not known as the results are still being sorted. It is also not known if there were any arrest.

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