The National Coordinator for human trafficking has the lead in combating Human trafficking and Human smuggling in Sint Maarten. The Director of Immigration & Border Protection Service (IBP) is tasked with this role and oversees all responsibilities.
The National Reporting Bureau on Human Trafficking (NRB), established by the National Coordinator, is the executing agency for prevention & protection on Human Trafficking.
The establishment of the NRB is a major step put in place to combat Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Sint Maarten, using an organized and structured approach. Since its inception in September 2013, the NRB has worked intensively to present themselves to the public and its stakeholders and thus creating support in the execution of its duties.
The NRB has been actively engaged during this period with the implementation of the agreements set out in the MOU Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling as well as the actions to be implemented within the framework of the TIP reports.
In its short existence the NRB has acquired  results from its intended objectives. The number of comments and messages received by the bureau so far testify to the successful approach of this organization.
LIKE the NRB Facebook page by CLICKING HERE
The National Reporting Bureau on Human Trafficking provides assistance for victims of exploitation. Everything you say is in complete confidence, it will not be passed on to anyone else.
If you know some who maybe a victim of trafficking please contact:
+1721 542-1553 or email
If you know some who maybe a victim of trafficking please contact:
+1721 542-1553 or email