Registration Deadline New Political Parties June 24, 2016


Electoral CouncilPHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — In accordance with the National Decree No. LB-15/1110 dated December 14, 2015, the parliamentary elections are scheduled to take place on September 26, 2016 and the postulation date is set for August 8, 2016.

In view of the above, the Electoral Council would like to inform all prospective political parties that the last day to submit an application to register a new political party with the Electoral Council is Friday, June 24, 2016 to be able to participate in the upcoming elections.

Together with the written application for registration of the political party, the following documents should be submitted to the Electoral Council:

  1. Notarial deed containing the Articles of Association of the party;
  2. Excerpt from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  3. Statement containing the appointment of the party’s authorized representative and authorized deputy representative together with proof of identification and contact information;
  4. Written application for registration of the reference which is to be placed above the list of candidates.

The Electoral Council would also like to inform any existing political party desirous of changing the previously registered reference above the list of candidates, that a request to that effect should not be submitted after the abovementioned deadline.

For more information please contact the Electoral Council on +1721 543-9888, email: [email protected] or visit the Electoral Council website at: