PEP presents Minister Jacobs with Certificate of Thanks


PHILIPSBURG – Minister of Education Silveria Jacobs was presented with a certificate of thanks by the Patrol Eradicating Pedophilia (PEP) representative Jackmaurice Montas.

The initiative taken by PEP during Carnival was to challenge participating students of Youth Extravaganza to send a message about bringing awareness and empowerment to the youth about pedophilia and ways to combat it.

“Not only in other countries, but on St. Maarten as well, is one that I greatly applaud.

PEP has the potential to strengthen the role of the community and the family, making the cumulative impact greater,” PEP said in a statement.

“Whether you are a parent, a teacher, a relative or a caregiver, you can make a difference and help the children you love grow up in a caring, loving environment. Together it is possible, we can protect our children from child abuse and pedophilia. We all have our role to play in and together, we can tackle every form of child abuse,” the statement concluded.