NIPA board signs contract for first level 4 course


CAY HILL – On Monday, May 16, the AVE Board of NIPA was pleased to sign a contract with local educator Dr. Maria van Enkervoort, to develop its first level 4 course.

This course is for the certification of Educational Assistants, who are much needed in the Elementary level of education. This level 4 course will prepare eligible persons to be a support to the teacher, in areas of academics for students, classroom management and ICT, among other tasks.

Level 4 is equivalent to an Associate’s degree, and it will allow successful students interested in furthering their education, to go on to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Education.

The Board is very excited about this development and is prepared to add this to the new list of level 3 and 4 courses for the new academic year.

Photo Caption: Left to right: Maria van Enkervoort, Chairman of AVE board Antonio Aventurin and NIPA Executive Director Patricia Lourens.