Minister of Justice renews contract with NFI.


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Tuesday May 24th the Minister of Justice of Sint Maarten Edson Kirindongo and Mrs. Judy van Overveld, representative of the Nederlandse Forencisch Instituut (Forensic Institute of the Netherlands) during a brief meeting signed the renewed working contract between both entities.

The NFI is the institution that has been working closely with the police force of Sint Maarten for numerous years, conducting many in depth and complicated forensic investigations. With the renewal of this contract allows both the KPSM and the NFI to continue to work closely together in solving many serious criminal investigations.

(See pic attached. Mrs. J. van Overveld on the left and the Justice Minister on the right during the signing of the renewed working contract).


After the signing of the contract Mrs. J. van Overveld presented the Chief of Police Carl John with a token of appreciation as a symbol of the very good working relation which exists between the Korps Politie Sint Maarten and the Nederlandse Forensisch Instituut.

The police chief gladly accepted this token on behalf of the KPSM.

From L. to R. Head of the Police Forensic Department Inspector Jeanine Rijna, Police Chief Carl John, Mrs. J. van Overveld (NFI) and Head of the Detective Division Commissioner Denise Jacobs)