Minister Lee and AUIS discuss cooperation agreement


LOWLANDS, Sint Maarten — The American University of Integrative Sciences School of Medicine (AUIS) recently donated a Digitrex kit to the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA) Emil Lee to help with preventative screening.

The Digitrex includes a new technology tablet-based called “Clinical Activity and Rotation Log” (CARL) and other devices that make it possible to do quick screenings on blood pressure, glucose, body temperature, and the possibility of doing a 4 minute EKG.

Everything is linked by Bluetooth, and it comes with its own terabyte of data storage.

During the donation, discussions were held with the CEO of AUIS Milo Pinckney and President Renu Agnihotri about developing a cooperation agreement with AUIS. AUIS expressed their willingness to contribute towards the Ministry’s efforts in preventative care to the community of St. Maarten, particularly in the area of data processing and receiving volunteers to assist in the services of the Mobile Health Bus Program.

This device will make the intake process at community outreach initiatives much faster. CEO Mr. Pinckney stated that AUIS is willing to make more Digitrex devices available to assist with the prevention programs the Ministry offers.

Minister Lee stated that, “it’s wonderful to see the private sector stepping up to the plate to contribute towards making St. Maarten a better place to live. One of the benefits of being more open and transparent is that people are willing to participate more and more.””