“Let there be Hair!” and a full head of art   


GREAT BAY – The people at Don’t Break the Comb (DBC) have come up with what looks like the making of a new hair social event. “The upcoming program is called ‘Let There Be Hair!’” said DBC managing director Rochelle Ward.

DBC, the St. Maarten lifestyle brand dedicated to the loving care and celebration of natural hair, caters to women who wear their hair in all natural styles imaginable.

DBC now wants to encourage what might be for some, the unimaginable. Interested? “Pick any of these two Saturdays, May 21 and 28. Make some time for yourself: 1:30pm-3:30pm, and make your own natural hair art,” said Ward, the event’s organizer.

“Participants will be able to use paint, ink, color pencils, or abstract. The choice is yours even if you have never drawn anything in your life. The idea is partly to express what you feel about your hair,” said Ward. The live art studio experience of this DBC program is presented in conjunction with the Saturday Morning Art Class, conducted by art teacher Henry Thomas.

DBC is well-known for its really big draw, informative, positive vibes, and stylish hair affairs. However, in addition to the art experience, “the upcoming program is inviting women who enjoy a small group setting, to socialize with other naturals and receive expert art instructions,” said Ward.

The artistic expressions and the hair care features of “Let There Be Hair!” also allow for participants “to do something fulfilling with one of their personal Saturday afternoons,” said Ward. The DBC managing director, known as Faizah, is a high school teacher, blogger, and leading St. Maarten poet.

“Register early at: http://www.dontbreakthecomb.com/register-here.html because space is limited,” said Ward. “The $20 registration fee for the ‘Let There Be Hair!’ program includes materials, and light refreshments,” Ward concluded.

Photo caption: Rochelle Ward. (Photo courtesy DBC)