Body of man found in car on French side

The body of Patrick Lescuyer

FRENCH CUL-DE-SAC, St. Martin – On Tuesday, May 10, at 11:10am, it was reported to the Gendarmerie that a man in a car was not showing any signs of life. The car was parked on the side of Large Caye Street in French Cul-de-Sac, in the vicinity of the waste disposal site.

It is believed that he probably died in the vehicle.

A patrol of Marigot Gendarmerie brigades’ community, and the Force Criminal Investigation team were immediately dispatched to the scene, where they discovered the lifeless body of a man in a vehicle at the address indicated.

The initial findings on the body of the victim show a gunshot wound, which likely caused his death. This was confirmed by the medical examiners who examined the body. Later the body was x-rayed by a scanner, which also confirmed cause of death.

An investigation was opened and assigned to the Brigade of St. Martin. The criminal details of this case will remain privileged information, until investigators have completed their inquiries. Then they will report on the facts. Until then the investigation is ongoing.

The Gendarmes report did not confirm whether the death was a suicide or murder.