***POLICE NOTICE***: Carnival Junior Parade and Grand Parade route for Saturday and Sunday coming


P O L I C E   P R E S S   R E L E A S E

Road closures

In connection with the upcoming junior carnival parade Scheduled for Junior Parade April 30th  and the Grand Carnival Parade May 1st, the Police Department is announcing the following road closures:

KPS police logoJunior Parade April 30th 2016

The parade with start at the Jose Lake Senior Ball Park on the L. B. Scot road in Cul-de-Sac at 03.00 p.m.

The route is as follows:

L.B. Scot road/ Church Hill round about/Bush road/ Prins Bernard Bridge/Walter Nisbet road/Salt Pickers Round about/ Soualiga Boulevard in front of the festival Village.

At 02.00 p.m.:

*The Voges Street will be closed between the Cannegieter street and Front Street and will be used for emergencies only.

*The L.B. Scot road will be closed at Gladiola road and no traffic will in the direction of the Church Hill Round about.

At 02.40 p.m.:

L.B. Scot road closed at Church Hill round about. No traffic in the direction of the Bush road.

At 03.00 p.m.:

*A.J. Brouwers road closed at the Church Hill round about. No traffic allowed in the direction of Bush road.

*Zagersgut road closed at Bush road. No traffic in the direction Bush road.

At 03.30 p.m.:

*Prins Bernard Bridge closed at Walter Nisbet road. No traffic allowed in the direction of the Bush road.

*Longwall road and A. Th Illidge road closed at Prins Bernard Bridge. Non traffic allowed in the direction of the Walter Nisbet road.

At 04.00 p.m.:

*Walter Nisbet road closed at the Percey Labega Street. No traffic allowed in the direction of the Prins Bernard Bridge.

*Cannegieter Street closed at the Percey Labega Steet. No traffic allowed in the direction of the Percey Labega Street.

At 04.30 p.m.:

*Suckergarden road closed at the Freendom Fighters round about. No traffic allowed in the direction of the Salt Picker round about.

*Walter Nisbet road closed at the Salt Picker round about. No traffic allowed in the direction of the Soualiga Boulevard and the Walter Nisbet road.

*Soualiga Boulevard closed at Rock Salt drive. No traffic in the direction of Salt Picker round about.

* Peterson Street closed at the salt Pickers Round about. No traffic allowed on the round about in any direction until parade had reached its final destination which is the Soualiga Boulevard in front of the Festival Village.

When the parade has reached its final destination all street and roads will be open to traffic.

KPS police logoGrand Carnival Parade May 1st:

This parade will start at 10.00 a.m. at the entrance of Sint John’s Estate on L.B. Scot road.

The route is as follows:

Sint John Estae road/ L.B. Scot road/Bush road/Walter Nisbet road/Percey Labega Street/Longwall road/Kerkhof steeg/Front Street/Emmaplein/Welvaartbrug/ Buncamper road/Freedom Fighter round about/Walter Nisbet road/Salt Pickers round about/ Soualiga Boulevard in front of the Festival Village.

At 06.00 a.m.

Front Street and all connecting alleys will be closed.

At 08.30 a.m.:

*L.B. Scot road closed at Gladiola road. No traffic allowed in the direction of Sint Peters.

*L.B. Scot road closed at Arbutus road. No traffic allowed in the direction of Churchill round about.

At 10.40 a.m.:

L.B. Scot road closed at Church Hill round about. No traffic in the direction of Gladiola road.

At 11.20 a.m.

*A.J.C. Brouwers road closed at Church Hill round about. No traffic allowed in the direction of the Bush road.

*Zagersgut road closed at Bush road. No traffic allowed in the direction of Bush road.

At 11.40 a.m.:

Prins Bernard Bridge closed at Walter Nisbet road. No traffic allowed in the direction of the Bush road.

At 12.20 p.m.:

Long wall road and  A.Th. Illidge road closed at Prins Bernard Bridge. No traffic allowed in the direction of the Walter Nisbet road.

At 12.30 p.m.:

*Walter Nisbet road closed at Percey Labega Street. No traffic in the direction of Prins Bernard Bridge.

*Cannegieter Street closed at Percey Labega Street. No traffic allowed in the direction of Percey Labega Street.

*Back Street closed at Kerkhof Straat. No traffic allowed in the direction of Kerkhof Straat.

*Longwall road closed at Percey Labega Street. No traffic allowed in the direction of Kerkhof Straat.

At 01.30 p.m.:

Little Bay road closed at Fort Willem road. No traffic allowed in the direction of Kerkhof Straat en Front Street.

At 03.30 p.m.:

*Juancho Yrausquin Boulevard closed at Welvaart Brug. No traffic allowed in the direction of Buncamper road.

* Buncamper road closed at Freedom Fighter round about. No traffic allowed in the direction of Juancho Yrausquin Boulevard.

At 04.10 p.m.:

*Suckergarden road closed at Freedom Fighter round about. No traffic allowed in the direction of Walter Nisbet road

*Nisbet road closed at Salt Picker round about. No traffic allow3d in the direction of the Freedom Fighter round about.

At 04.40 p.m.:

*Soualiga Bouleverd closed at Rock Salt drive. No traffic allowed in the direction of Salt Pickers round about.

*Peterson Street closed at Salt Picker round about. No traffic allowed in the direction of Salt Picker round about.

* Walter Nisbet road closed at Codville Webster road. No traffic allowed in the direction of the Salt Pickers round about.

When the parade reaches its final destination in front of the Festival Village all streets and roads will once again be open to all traffic.