MP Marlin-Romeo receives response from U.S. Embassy on U.S. Visa Requirements


PHILIPSBURG – Member of Parliament Leona Marlin-Romeo received an answer directly from the US Embassy on the issue of visa requirements for citizens of the former Netherlands Antilles.

Clarification was given by the Embassy located in Curacao after the Member of Parliament called and emailed the office on Monday April 18th, 2016.

Persons from the former Netherlands Antilles are eligible to participate in the Visa Waiver Program “VWP”, according to the representative. It was further explained that as of April 1st 2016 all persons will be able to apply for the VWP once they have an Electronic passport “e-passport”.

The Member of Parliament thanked the representative for their speedy correspondence and for the clarification. This response will put to rest the concern of those citizens who worried about what they read on the website of the US Homeland Security.

This answers one of the questions posed to the Minister of General Affairs stated Member of Parliament Leona Marlin-Romeo.