Complete acquittal for figurehead Walters


By Today Newspaper

GREAT BAY – Oniel Theodore Walters, the man who was used to serve the needs of the main suspects Maria Buncamper-Molanus and Claudius Buncamper in the Eco Green trial was acquitted of all charges yesterday.

Walters, who posed as the director of the bogus company Eco-Green, was according to co-suspect notary Gijsbertha “a figurehead.”

“The evidence does not show unmistakably that the suspect was aware that the documents that were presented to him for signing were fakes or that he was in fact cooperating with a fake construction with tax evasion as its objective,” the court ruled.

Furthermore, the ruling points out that Walters could not know or understand that what he was getting involved in was illegal.

“He may have understood that co-suspect Buncamper wanted to help him with a little job based on a promise he made to his father. Intention, conditional or not, has not been proven legally and convincingly,” the court ruled.

Walters was not present for the verdict at the advice of his attorney Brenda Brooks. The 69-year old suffers from Alzheimer’s disease and is blind.