Air France Welcomes its Customers on Arrival at St. Maarten


SIMPSON BAY – Passengers on Air France flight 498 arriving at Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) on Thursday, March 31, were pleasantly surprised while disembarking, as they received a “Caribbean welcome” with musical performances by the Dow steel pan band.

Some passengers danced their way to Immigration control, while others, with cellular phones and cameras recorded the experience and captured memories.

“It was a very nice event and passengers were as surprised as they were delighted. To organize such event is a way for us to show our customers we care. We want to share experiences, create emotions and memories with them,” said Air France/KLM’s station manager Martijn ten Broecke, who personally welcomed the passengers.

Air France prepared this event in collaboration with the airport teams.

“Customer satisfaction is our goal. That is why we are always willing to assist in whatever way possible to make the experience at our airport a moving one,” added PJIA Deputy Managing Director Larry Donker.

Caption2: The Air France flight crew poses with the Mighty Dow (L) and co-pan player upon arrival at PJIA last Thursday. (SXM photo)