Telecoms regulator asked to look into new Network interference issues affecting TelCell mobile customers


Pond Island –  Mobile voice and data provider, TelCell, is seeking the assistance of the Bureau of Telecommunication and Post (BTP) to track down telecommunication equipment that is causing interference to  the company’s mobile network.

TelCell customers have been experiencing difficulties making and receiving mobile calls. Mobile data interruptions are also being experienced.

After carrying out various tests during the past several days, technicians have discovered interference on the mobile frequency assigned to the company by the local telecommunication regulator.

According to Manager, Network Operations, Mr. Julien Lake, based on the company’s mobile concession and also through agreements with other mobile carriers on Dutch St. Maarten, French St. Martin, and the neighbouring island of Anguilla, the frequency assigned to TelCell should be free of interference, however that does not seem to be the case.

“We suspect that the interference is once again coming from St. Kitts & Nevis like it did a little over a year ago when we also experienced something similar with our mobile network,” said Mr. Lake.

Lake said the areas most affected are parts of Frontstreet in Philipsburg, Cay Hill, around Fort Willem, parts of the Pondfill, Belair, and parts of Bush Road.

“At this stage all we can say it that we are aware of difficulties on the mobile voice and data network due to interference from an unknown source. We are working with the BOT to identify the source of the interference and we will restore all services and improve the user experience for our customers as soon as possible,” said Mr. Lake.

TelEm Group management has meantime apologized to customers for the interruptions in service and state that while the problems are beyond the company’s control, everything is being done to rectify the situation as quickly as possible.