CPS receives donation of special vaccine carriers from Rotary Club St. Martin Sunrise


GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – Rotary Club St. Martin Sunrise, made a donation recently to Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a department within the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour of four special vaccine carriers.

CPS received a symbolic voucher as a confirmation of the commitment to pay for the carriers when they are ordered.

Dr. Josien van Wijk received the gift certificate on behalf of the department.

The donation was officiated by President of Rotary Club St. Martin Sunrise Marcellia Henry in connection with the commemoration of World Polio Day, 24 October, 2015.

The club had the honour of having the District Governor of District 7020 Gelix Stubbs and his wife Carla Stubbs, also a Rotarian, to witness this donation.  Also Assistant Governor Louis Wever was present at the meeting.

The carriers are specially designed cool boxes that comply with high international standards approved by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The purpose is to store the vaccines when going out into the field such as visiting the various schools as part of the government vaccination program.  The cool boxes guarantee that the cold chain is maintained at all times.

Cold chain is the average recommended temperature at which vaccines are stored to guarantee vaccine efficacy.

Rotary Club St. Martin Sunrise was thanked for the donation which is an essential component for the Government vaccination program.

PHOTO CUTLINE: L to R: Ahmed Bell, Vice President; Louis Wever, Assistant Governor; Okama Ekpe Brook, Secretary; Felix Stubbs, District Governor District 7020; Dr. Josien van Wijk, Youth Health Care Physician at CPS; Marcellia Henry, President Rotary Club St. Martin Sunrise and Carl Stubbs, spouse of Feliz Stubbs.