CPS advises against bathing/swimming in Great Bay on Tuesday  


GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – The Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department within the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, strongly advises against any swimming in Great Bay on Tuesday.

This advisory is in relation to water that has been released into Great Bay from the ponds. Pumping of the Great Salt Pond will continue on Tuesday morning as part of a control lowering of the water levels in the ponds. 

This water can be contaminated, from amongst others, rainwater runoff into the ponds.

CPS advisory is a precautionary measure to prevent swimmers from coming into contact with any contaminated water that could pose a health risk if ingested or by skin contact, thereby making the person vulnerable to recreational water illnesses.

Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) on Monday opened the Great Bay Channel to allow water from the Fresh Pond to flow into Great Bay.

This measure taken by Ministry VROMI on Monday is of a precautionary nature due to the rainfall over the weekend and on Monday morning, and in the event there is additional heavy rainfall throughout Monday night, the ponds will be able to handle the runoff therefore preventing any flooding in low lying areas.