***BREAKING NEWS *** Another man executed, this happen in Simpsonbay


UPDATE: (oct 18 at 2:03pm)

~ This is the second murder execution style within 10 days ~

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Radhames de Jesus (42) aka “Memo”

SIMPSONBAY, St. Maarten — The islands emergency services responded Sunday morning to a call for a shooting in Simpson Bay.

We later learnt that a man was shot in the vicinity of Simpson Bay Real Estate, close to the Simpson Bay Police Station just before 9:00am.

The victim was observed lying on the side of the road.

Police spokesman Inspector Ricardo Henson confirmed receipt of information pertaining to the reported shooting.

An investigation has now been launched.

He however told us that the victim, said to be a Spanish speaking man, received several shots to his body.

Gathering information is difficult in this case as the authorities have not been able to find anyone who may have seen the shooting.

The police spokesman reached out to the St. Maarten community again to provide information.

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Chief Commissioner of Police Peter de Witte arriving at the crime scene .

721news.com has confirmed the victim name as Radhames de Jesus (42), (born Nov 14, 1972) aka  “Memo” and is a resident of the ATh. Illidge Road.

It is also said that he is no stranger to the law and was even suspected of being involved in a murder case in the past. It is also said that he drove a grey Elantra to the location which he was shot.

It is also said that as he walked towards seemingly the number booth which is located nearby, a man who drove a wight vehicle resembling an hyundai I10, shot the victim execution style while he walked the sidewalk.

In the meantime the police and public prosecutor was observed at the home of the victim conducting a house search on the inter-section  A.Th. Illidge road / Antigua drive across former “Magic” Barbershop”.

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Detective Inspector Mauricia (L) and Inspector Ricardo henson (R) at the crime scene this morning in Simpsonbay.

POLICE REPORT  UPDATE: (oct 18 at 4:53pm) 

Man shot dead in Simpson bay

Several police patrols, detectives, forensic department and paramedics were sent to Simpson Bay in the vicinity of Simpson bay Real Estate and Robbie’s Lottery located in the La Palapa Building Complex for a shooting which took place on Sunday October 18th at approximately 09.10 a.m.

The first call came in to the Central Dispatch informing them of several gun shots being fired and one man being shot. The patrols immediately closed off the area and diverted traffic so the Forensic Department could collect evidence and Detectives could speak to witnesses.

The victim who had been fatally wounded by gun shots was pronounced dead by Doctor Douglas who came to the scene. The identity of the victim has not yet been officially been released. The reason for this shooting and who is responsible for this act is still very unclear.

The detectives are questioning witnesses and gathering other information to try to piece together what actually happened. As more information becomes available the media will be informed.

The police department is asking anyone who may have information concerning this case to call the tip line #9300 or tel: +1721-54-22222.

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