Police host 9th Annual Youth Development Program


IMG_1000 - Copy-001ANGUILLA — The Royal Anguilla Police Force on Friday 4th September, 2015 hosted its, 9th Annual Youth Development Program for 1st year students at the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School, Campus B.

The program organized by the Community Relations Department of the RAPF has been organizing this program for the past eight years bringing together Health Care Workers, Pastors and others professionals from within the community to make various presentations to the new students.

This year some 208 students benefited from 45 minutes presentations on Anger Management, Sexual Health, Respect/Discipline, Nutrition, Hygiene and Bullying.

During the opening ceremony chaired by PC Shawn Lake, Minister of Social Development with responsibilities for education, The Hon. Evans Rogers, reminded the students that they are Anguilla’s future and the rising stars of tomorrow. He also encouraged them to use self-pride as a tool for their personal development.

“Having pride in one’s self is a means of ensuring that you overcome the many obstacles which may cause you to trip on this journey that we call life,” Mr. Rogers told the students.   “With self-pride you will be less likely to engage in activities which will diminish you in any way and that you will look for ways to improve yourself,” continued Mr. Rogers.

Acting Commissioner of Police, Ms. Alice Proctor who also spoke at the brief ceremony informed the students that gang violence is on the increase in Anguilla and that parents continue to struggle needlessly to gain their children’s cooperation coupled with numerous reports of disobedience.  She also reminded the students that it was their responsibility to decide whether they wanted to follow a positive or negative track.

Other speakers at the ceremony were Mr. Neville Hamilton, 2nd Lieutenant with the Anguilla Cadet Corp and Deputy Principal, ALHCS Campus B, Mrs. Melsadis Fleming.

The Community Relations Department wishes to thank their many sponsors and volunteers for their continued support over the years in ensuring the success of the program.