Prime Minister Gumbs attends 16th Annual Walk for God’s Mercy and Protection


PHILIPSBURG – Prime Minister Hon. Marcel Gumbs on Saturday evening attended the 16th Annual ‘Walk for God’s Mercy and Protection’ that was organized by the St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church in collaboration with the Divine Mercy Charismatic Prayer Group.

Citizens of the country took part in the walk which was organized in connection with the 2015 Atlantic Hurricane Season and any other disaster or calamity that may occur during the remainder of the year.

Prime Minister Gumbs told the gathering during the praise and worship session to stay focused on God; to pray for tranquillity and stability; to always be civil with one another; and to seek God’s protection for the hurricane season and any other disaster that may occur.

Participants met at the Cyrus Wathey Square in front of the Courthouse in Philipsburg.  After praise and worship, those in attendance walked through Front and Back Street and back to the Square.


PHOTO CUTLINE: Prime Minister Hon. Marcel Gumbs (right), Wally Havertong and Pastor Wycliffe Smith. DCOMM Photo