St. Maarten Academy PSVE Career and Job Fair 2015


Career and Job Fair pic1-001SOUTH REWARD, Sint Maarten — The St. Maarten Academy P.S.V.E. held its 12th Annual Career & Job Fair on Friday May 8, 2015. The main purpose of the Career & Job Fair was to educate children about their Career choices and how to go about pursuing them. In attendance there were seventeen businesses represented that covered a range of different professions that are available here on the island of St. Maarten. Also present was the MAC High school who came and took part in the Career and Job Fair.

The opening ceremony took place where our Honorable Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Affairs. Mrs. Rita Bourne-Gumbs in her main address encouraged the students to go further in their studies after finishing high school as well as to take opportunity of the Fair that was being held. The Honorable Minister also acknowledged the talent of the students who took part in the opening ceremony where the students had written and composed their own poetry and songs.

Career and Job Fair pic2-001Our main address was given by Ms. Lorraine Leacock, Director of the Kinetic Melodies Company. She engaged the students in an interactive talk on their crucial transitional period in life. During this period, they should decide how they would like to contribute and make a difference for the rest of their lives by following their passions in their career choices.

The students were appreciative of the fact that the businesses took the time out of their busy schedule to impart the knowledge, inspire and motivate them towards a productive and successful future. They also were grateful for the promotional material that they received.

The St. Maarten Academy PSVE would hereby like to take this opportunity to thank all the businesses who participated including GEBE NV, though they could not be present, they sent water bottles for all of our students. A BIG thank you also goes out to the students of the MAC High School, students and teachers of the PSVE school.

The St. Maarten Academy PSVE Career & Job Fair 2015 was an astounding success.