RBC business banking dedicated to help clients succeed


Successful Event for business clients to support effective collections

RBC Bermon handshake-001Philipsburg – RBC Business Banking is known for hosting unique client events that are coupled with advice sessions aimed at creating the right environment for deepening insights and learning opportunities. Recently RBC Business Banking, again, held a client event for more than 25 business clients from small, medium and large businesses with the objective of informing, sharing knowledge and educating about collecting “Accounts Receivable”.

RBC chose the topic based on the needs of its business banking clients; who on many occasions highlight the complexities that exist in the collection of “Accounts Receivable” for their businesses. The first section of the event was informational, focusing on the concepts around “Accounts Receivable” led by Peter Beishuizen (RBC Relationship Manager). Beishuizen focused on the RBC perspective, followed by an interactive session with covering the prevention of aging “Accounts Receivable”.

Bermon Law Office and Legislative Services partnered with RBC for the event and their session focused on actions to take when “Accounts Receivable” becomes uncollectable from a legislative perspective, highlighting the role of a legal team.

Client testimonials provided clarity and gave practical sense to the topic. The successes of implementing a proven approach to collect overdue amounts appear to be effective as long as you stick to it, was mentioned by one of our clients.

The RBC Business Banking team, in close collaboration with Bermon Law Office and Legislative Services (Mrs. Shelliann Romney), organized another successful event focusing on our clients. By working closely with partners such as Bermon Law Office, we are able to offer the value-add benefits of banking with RBC.

Our promise to our clients is to offer them the best advice that will enable them to run their business successfully. RBC has consistently organized mini seminars and gatherings on a regular basis and we look forward to yet another opportunity to host another client event.

Photo: (from left to right) Bastiaan Pilon (RBC), Kevin Spence (RBC),, Stephanie Auguste (RBC), Shelliann Romney (Bermon), Deborah Jones-Francis (RBC),, Raquel Lo Fo Wong (RBC),, Linda Bergsma (RBC), Peter Beishuizen (RBC).