Mother of murder victim relieved, but still mourns


Eboniece Escobar was murdered in a United States Hotel on November 2 last year

Following the capture of 19-year-old murder suspect J’Wa Charlery in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) last week, the mother of the woman who was murdered in a United States hotel is now breathing a sigh of relief.

The victim of the gun murder that transpired about 10pm on November 2 in a room at the Clarion Hotel is 22-year-old Eboniece Escobar, who lived in New York.

Her mother Tonya Escobar, responding to news that the murder suspect has been arrested in the BVI, said: “I thought it was going to take much longer than that, and I just prayed that it wouldn’t go unsolved. I’m elated he’s finally found because you can’t move on without him.”

The mother, who was speaking with CBS6 TV, also stated that her family is still having a tough time coming to grips with the gun murder.

“It’s going to take me a minute to get back into the family mood because my family is so torn apart.”

Following those comments in the media, the mother turned to her Facebook page to further vent. There, she posted a photograph of her slain daughter along with these words: “Your death has hurt many, but God is good! He has sent justice for you my baby girl! The sorry little boy that took you away from your loved ones was taken into custody 7/23/15, eight long months later. But we got him baby. I love you so so much baby! Continue to watch over us all, baby!”

 J’Wa Charlery

The murder suspect, Charlery, who was nabbed last week while hiding in a hut in the Baughers Bay area Tortola in the BVI, was among three men being sought for the 2014 gun murder in the United States.

About 10pm on November 2 when the crime was committed, United States police said the victim was found inside a hotel room suffering from a gunshot wound, but she eventually died at the scene.

Two of the three suspects – all from St Croix in the neighbouring United States Virgin Islands – were arrested and charged last year with conspiracy to commit murder. Those initially charged are 21-year-old Jimmar Payne and 20-year-old Sheanne U Rivera.

The third suspect, Charlery, was not charged due to the fact that he went on the run, eventually becoming one of the United States’ most wanted fugitives.

Local police said, at the time he was captured last week, he had two loaded guns inside a hut.

He is still in the BVI, and is charged locally with landing without leave from Immigration, possession of unlicensed firearms, and possession of explosives.

Charlery, who was brought before the BVI court last week, is to return in October. During his first appearance, he lauded the police for capturing him alive, adding that he would have been dead if he were captured by United Sates law enforcement.

Charlery is to be extradited to the United States at some point to be interrogated regarding the murder case. However, so far, he wished he could remain in the BVI.

“I ain’t going nowhere; I like Tortola,” he told the magistrate in court last week Friday.