Hyacinth House Restoration in 2025 



Within the first half of 2025, Hyacinth House – a traditional Saban cottage nestled in the heart of Windwardside – will undergo various renovations and restoration.  

This cottage, owned by the Public Entity Saba, had been previously untouched during the development of the big parking lot, in order to maintain the notable history and charm of the area. However, the building is in urgent need of maintenance and repairs.  

As PES works towards protecting our cultural identity, the necessary improvements will balance a thorough renovation with preservation of historic details. The main renovation work will include a new roof and windows, repairing of shutters and shingles, and repainting of the entire building. It is also envisioned to add traditional porches and the typical Saban “Gingerbread” roof details. To make the building “future proof”, several other upgrades are planned, such as the electrical system, installing air conditioners and insulating the building and adapting the interior to be used as office spaces.

Photo 1 is an impression of the renovation design; changes can occur during the execution of the project.

With these future repairs and upgrades, the cottage will then be better suited to fill the need for additional office space for the Public Entity. This then ensures continuous use of the building and reduces the shortage of office space within the organization.  

A public tender will be advertised in the upcoming weeks for contractors to submit their bids.  

Public Entity Saba looks forward to the completion of this project, as we work to restore this building to its original character while maintaining its distinctive features and increasing functionality.