The United St. Maarten Party wishing all residences a Happy St. Maarten’s Day

Pamela Gordon - Carty, leader of the United St. Maarten Party

Fellow St. Maarteners,

As we celebrate another St. Maarten’s Day, the United St. Maarten Party would like to first take this opportunity to extend a very Happy and Blessed St. Maarten’s Day to you and your families. May the Lord Almighty continue to bless our island paradise and keep sweet Soualiga in his grace and under his protection forever. November 11th also marks Veterans Day in the United States. We would also like to send best wishes to our American neighbors and honour veterans of the armed forces for their brave and patriotic service.

On November 11, 2022, we ask you to reflect on your role as St. Maarteners and what that means. We ask you to reflect on our history, the hard-work of our forefathers, the toil and sacrifices that defined them and the prosperous results from which we now benefit. They built a gem in the Caribbean that we were entrusted to maintain, protect and develop. This St. Maarten’s day we want you to ask yourselves and your neighbors if enough is being done to fulfill the role our forefathers bequeathed to us.

No matter where you are in this world, it is our collective responsibility to wrap our arms around our beloved country and recommit ourselves to its well-being. We’re known throughout the Caribbean as a confident and friendly people, with a deep commitment to one another. We are a small country full of good fortune, with so much to be grateful for. But we suffer from the same moral, ethical and governing shortcomings that befall many other nations.

In all circumstances, it falls on the people to remind those that lead us of the enormous responsibility they have. The leaders before them earned and maintained the trust and confidence of the people of St. Maarten. These leaders worked closely with the people to deliver on sound policies, and improved all our lives. Through your action and your voices as citizens, the message should be loud and clear: Never take this trust, nor this competence, for granted.

Together, we should all aspire to have a St. Maarten of good governance, justice and impartial application of the law.

Aspire for a St. Maarten with a strong sense of cultural identity, where preserving our history is revered and honoring our common moral principles is practiced.
Aspire for a St. Maarten whose growth is centered on its people and depends on their potential, especially its youth.

Lastly, aspire for a St. Maarten that is tolerant, fair and unentitled.
If we hold true to these aspirations we will see that the things that unite us far outweigh what little divides us. With this in mind, we wish you a fun-filled day with family and friends and pray that the Almighty keeps you in his good graces. May we reflect on the past with pride and look towards the future with confidence.

Happy St. Maarten’s Day!