Unilateral decision by presidium of parliament not condoned by the UD

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The UD party is not amused by the latest stunt by the presidium of parliament, so-called to improve the viewing quality of meetings of parliament.
By removing the live stream from the Facebook platform, the president of Parliament is taking away the opportunity for the population at large to interact real time with the members of parliament and with one another.
“This type of censorship is simply undemocratic and infringes on the fundamental right of freedom of expression.” 
The ire of the UD is the result of a decision communicated to members of parliament by letter dated  June 25, 2021, informing them of a change to the broadcasting of Parliamentary meetings.
“Was this abrupt change necessary?,” questioned the UD. “Is the continuous outcry of the public on the actions of this Coalition Government simply too much to handle?”
“The latest action by this government flies in the face of the government self-professed mantra of openness and transparency. Rather, this is another affront to  the people we serve. “