Reply To Mr. Entienne Ys’s “Colony or Not”

Former Prime Minister Etienne Ys recently released an article entitled “Colony or Not.”  Mr. Ys’s article is missing a wealth of key information.  Four decolonization resolutions came before the UN during the 1950s (Puerto Rico, Greenland, Netherlands Antilles, Alaska & Hawaii). In 1953, the UN declared for Puerto Rico that they had achieved a full measure of self-governance, a right to self-determination and that Chapter XI no longer applied.
In 1954, the UN declared for Greenland that they had achieved a full measure of self-governance, a right to self-determination and that Chapter XI no longer applied. In 1959, the UN declared for Alaska & Hawaii under the same resolution that they had achieved a full measure of self-governance, a right to self-determination, and that Chapter XI no longer applied.
In 1955, under Resolution 945(X), the UN REFUSED to declare that the Netherlands Antilles had attained a full measure of self-governance, a right to self-determination, or that Chapter XI no longer applies. The UN REFUSED to make the aforementioned statements because Articles 44, 50, 51 of Het Statuut (Kingdom Charter) and the appointment of a governor were in contravention to the UN Charter.
Mr. Ys says that it has to be deduced that we were decolonized. The UN is never dubious nor ambiguous when it comes to its resolutions. Puerto Rico, Greenland, Alaska & Hawaii don’t have to deduce, but somehow the Netherlands Antilles has to use the power of deduction regarding its decolonization? We humbly suggest that Mr. Ys read Chapter 6 of Dr. Hillebrink’s book entitled “Political Decolonization and Self-Determination: The Case of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.
Additionally, Mr. Ys fails to mention that our Resolution 945 (X) had two legally binding amendments attached to it. Firstly, the Uruguay Amendment (attached to Resolution 945 X) gave us an “opportunity to knock at the door of the UN should the need arise.” Secondly, while the Netherlands was excused from Article 73e, the India Amendment (attached to Resolution 945 X) stated that “Article 73 a – d remain in force.”
The question is not whether we are a colony or not.  The better question would be if Mr. Ys has even heard of or read the Uruguay and India Amendments attached to Resolution 945 (X).