Court of Appeal reacts on Court of first instance verdict in Triggerfish case !!!



In a press release issued on June 7, 2021 by the Joint Court of Justice with the Email subject (in dutch): “Reactie Hof op interview mr. Bary over strafzaak Triggerfish” (Joint Court of Justice response to interview mr. Bary about Triggerfish criminal case) this press release is base on a interview 721news had with Ms Bary on Mei 11, 2021 via our social media platform Facebook. (Click here to see the interview).

M. James has appealed her case and is STILL waiting for a court of appeal to settle a date. But remarkable is to see that the same court of appeal (HOF) is reacting and ‘setting the record straight’.
Question to ask is if James and her husband will ever get a fair trail in the appeal case seeing the appeal court reaction outside the court room (Media) and before the case ever be presented to them.

See Below is the Email and blue links that will redirect you to the video and the court verdict in English (PdF).

Dear members of the press,

The Court of First Instance of Sint Maarten has taken note  of an interview by mrs. Bary at 721 News. The subject of that interview was the criminal case against the former Court registrar for fraud and misappropriation of funds. Mrs. Bary is the former registrar’s attorney. The interview and the comments to it showed that the verdict of the criminal judge was not always correctly presented or understood.

The Court of First Instance has therefore summarized the verdict in English to give everyone the possibility to read for themselves what the considerations of the criminal court were that led to a declaration of proven guilt, conviction and sentencing.

You can find the English translation in the attachment. The full verdict has been published in Dutch on the website under no. ECLI:NL:OGEAM:2021:56


Nydia Adam
Advisor Communication & Information
Joint Court of Justice of Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten and Bonaire,
St. Eustatius and Saba

In Dutch:

Beste leden van de pers,

Het Gerecht in Eerste Aanleg van Sint Maarten heeft kennisgenomen van een interview van mr. Bary bij 721 News op 11 mei 2021. Dat interview had als onderwerp de strafzaak tegen de voormalige vestigingsmanager van het Gerecht in Sint Maarten wegens fraude en verduistering van gelden. Mr. Bary is de advocaat van de voormalige vestigingsmanager.

Uit het interview en de reacties daarop bleek dat het vonnis van de strafrechter niet altijd correct werd weergegeven of begrepen. Het Gerecht in Eerste Aanleg heeft daarom een samenvatting in de Engelse taal gemaakt van het vonnis om iedereen de mogelijkheid te geven  na te lezen wat de overwegingen van de strafrechter waren die tot bewezenverklaring, schuldigverklaring en strafoplegging hebben geleid.

De Engelse vertaling kunt u in de bijlage vinden. De volledige uitspraak is in het Nederlands gepubliceerd op onder nr. ECLI:NL:OGEAM:2021:56

Met vriendelijke groet,

Nydia Adam
Adviseur Communicatie & Voorlichting
Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten en van Bonaire,
Sint Eustatius en Saba