St. Maarten Academy wins Best School Ombudsman



Philipsburg; The Bureau of the Ombudsman concluded its School Ombudsman Project in the form of an Information Evening, held on 5 December, 2018 at the University of St. Martin.

The project entitled  ‘The Best School Ombudsman’, involved high school students in the pre-exam/exam classes of the Milton Peters College – HAVO/VWO, St. Dominic High School, Methodist Agogic Center – Comprehensive Secondary Education (MAC – CSE)  and the St. Maarten Academy (Academic) in the role of the Ombudsman.

The evening was filled with presentations by the students of the abovementioned schools, presentation of tokens, certificates and awards. In front of a well engaged audience the students made their presentations regarding the history, role, procedures and standards of proper conduct of the Ombudsman,  including their experience as School Ombudsmen.

The award categories and winners are:

  • Best Presenter – 1st – St. Maarten Academy (Academic)

                             2nd – Milton Peters College (HAVO)

                             3rd –  St. Dominic High

                             4th – MAC Comprehensive Secondary Education (MAC-CSE)


  • Best Attendance (prejudged) – MAC Comprehensive Secondary Education (MAC-CSE)
  • Best understanding of the role of the OBM (prejudged) – Maarten Academy (Academic)
  • Most Popular School – Maarten Academy (Academic)

The Bureau Ombudsman is very pleased with the turnout to the event, the participation and enthusiasm of the students and schools. Congrats to all participants and job well done to the St. Maarten Academy (Academic) for being the overall winner.

The Bureau Ombudsman expresses many thanks to the management of the schools and students for their support of the project and making the event a success.