PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Social & Health Insurances SZV will launch its AOV Pension Status Survey on Monday October 15th. Residents of Dutch Sint Maarten who are currently receiving AOV pension payments from SZV have an obligation to participate in the survey. SZV is aiming to survey over 6000 persons in a period of six months. The survey period will end in March 2019.

AOV recipients must participate in-person, present a valid Sint Maarten ID or passport. Persons who are unable to participate due to medical indications can contact SZV to request a house-visit; persons on vacation abroad during the survey period should contact SZV to inform. There is the option to visit one of the two survey locations between 8:00 am – 4:00 pm from Monday – Saturday, based on the schedule – according to birth month.

SZV is obligated by law to conduct compliance controls for the funds managed; recipients of AOV pension are requested to execute their civic duty by complying to participate, as is stated in Articles 34 and 35 of the National Ordinance AOV. The survey is a compliance control method, which is not uncommon. SVB, the predecessor of SZV, also used to carry out the same type of survey on Sint Maarten, for the same purpose.

For AOV recipients residing abroad, compliance controls are conducted in the form of recipients having to submit periodic ‘life certificates’ to SZV. For recipients residing on Dutch Sint Maarten, this is not an option. Conducting a periodic survey such as this remedies this situation, while ensuring that both the SZV and the customer remain compliant.

The survey project offers several benefits to current and future pension recipients. Data collected will allow SZV to ensure that the funds are properly managed; registration of deaths and persons who have moved is often an outcome of such surveys. Unfortunately, SZV is not always notified in a timely manner of these events. Recipients of AOV have an obligation to report changes in their civil status, address and contact information, this is not always adhered to by many. Data collected also enables SZV to further execute its advisory function to Government as it pertains to legislation and programs designed for these target groups.

The survey information and schedule is available on the website and will be available through various communication channels. The survey locations will be: from Monday to Friday at the Senior Citizens Recreational Center in Hope Estate and on Saturday’s at the SZV office. SZV will have an on-site service desk offering general information and the opportunity to schedule appointments for other services, such as insurance card renewals.

The schedule is summarized as follows:

  • If you are born in the months of July, August or September, please visit a survey location between October 15th to 27th
  • If you are born in the months of October, November or December, please visit a survey location between November 5th to 16th
  • If you are born in the months of January, February, March, please visit a survey location between January 28th –  February 9th
  • If you are born in the months of April, May, June, please visit a survey location between March 18th – March 30th

Persons requiring additional information can visit the website or contact the SZV customer service.