Schools, Government and Private Sector Remains Open on Wednesday



GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – Schools, Government offices and the private sector can continue to operate as normal on Wednesday.

The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) met on Tuesday to get an update with respect to Tropical Storm Isaac.

Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin chaired the EOC meeting and the following decisions were taken as precautionary measures for public safety and security.

A decision about school closure, government services, private sector operations for Thursday, will be made during an EOC meeting on Wednesday morning and will be communicated via the live Council of Ministers press briefing at 10.00AM.

The Chairlady of the EOC, Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin, would like to address misinformation that started to circulate on Monday and throughout Tuesday that schools would be closed on Wednesday.

The EOC Chairlady states that this is not true and the public and all concerned should always consult with Government communication mediums for official information or information that has been attributed to the Government of Sint Maarten.

The MDS along with the EOC will keep the community of Sint Maarten informed with respect to the approach of the weather system to the Lesser Antilles via the Government Radio station 107.9 FM.

For official local weather and Government related disaster/hurricane information please visit (; the Government of Sint Maarten website ( or the Government of Sint Maarten social media Facebook Page (

Emergency Support Function (ESF-1) NV GEBE, informed the EOC on Tuesday that there will be no interruption in water services to the companies’ customers in Point Blanche and Pelican residential areas in connection with the passing of the storm. Utility services for the remainder of the country will continue as normal.

ESF-3 Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment & Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI): the public is advised that final pick-up for all garbage will be 12.00PM on Wednesday, September 12.

Ministry VROMI would like to alert residents and motorists driving in and out of the Beacon Hill area, that there may be some street flooding from sea wave action in the Maho area on Thursday.  This may also be the case at Kimsha Beach as well.  The Philipsburg boardwalk may also experience some sea swells which could wash sand up on the promenade.

Ministry VROMI has been busy on Monday and Tuesday removing loose discarded zink from areas in Cole Bay, Cay Bay and St. Peters. These removal activities will continue on Wednesday.

ESF-5 Police: On Wednesday and Thursday, officers of the Sint Maarten Police Force will establish various check points throughout the country.  Motorists and visitors are advised to be mindful of the checkpoints which are for the purpose of safety and security.

ESF-7 Ministry Public Health, Social Development & Labour (Ministry VSA): three shelters have been identified to be open in connection with the passing of Tropical Storm Isaac as a precautionary measure, especially taken into consideration the personal experiences of persons in connection with Hurricane Irma last September.

A decision will be taken during the Wednesday morning EOC meeting whether it is still necessary to open the shelters. However, shelters should be used as a last resort.

Individuals should first seek shelter with family or friends if they need to do so.  If going to stay at a shelter, walk with a ‘go-bag’ that has personal items.

The shelters identified to be open are: Dutch Quarter Community Center, the Cole Bay Christian Fellowship Church, and the Milton Peters College.

Persons staying in a shelter will be responsible for their own personal belongings.  Government is not liable for lost, stolen or broken personal belongings.

Residents of Sint Maarten are requested to continue to closely monitor the progress of Tropical Storm Isaac.