Ombudsman commences Open House Project “ The Best School Ombudsman”

Dr. Nilda Arduin

Philipsburg; The Bureau of the Ombudsman has embarked on a project geared towards the Academic High schools on St. Maarten. The project entitled “ The Best School Ombudsman”, seeks to involve high school students in the pre-exam/exam classes in the role of the Ombudsman and to bring greater awareness of the function as well as the institution of the Ombudsman.

The students will have consultation sessions (weekly) at their respective schools which is only open to students, teachers and parents of each respective (participating) school. While the students will be able to take concerns, the actual complaints will be referred to Bureau Ombudsman. The Bureau will have feedback sessions once a week with the students between 15 August – 15 October, 2018.

Participating High Schools:

  1. Milton Peters College HAVO/VWO
  2. Dominic High School
  3. The Methodist Agogic Center Comprehensive Secondary Education (MAC-CSE)
  4. Maarten Academy (Academic)

The students,  selected by their respective schools,  have gone through several training sessions during May – June 2018 to prepare them for their role. The Bureau is pleased with the cooperation and enthusiasm of the schools and chosen students. The students will assume their role as Ombudsman from 15 August – 15 October, 2018 at their respective schools.  The culmination of the project will be on 26 October, 2018 with presentations given by the students during the Ombudsman annual Open House.

The students will be judged on:

  • Participation in the project
  • Quality of presentation and presentation skills
  • Understanding of the role of the Ombudsman

One school will emerge as the best School Ombudsman, however all students will receive tokens of appreciation.

The Bureau Ombudsman wishes all participating students and schools much success as they carry out their role as School Ombudsmen, and thanks the Management of the schools for their cooperation.